Monday, April 27, 2009

Ryker Rustin Miller

Bili Lights
Rustin found Ryker sleeping like this
Baby Cohen
Ryker and his cousin Cohen
The Champs!
I am very slow at updating our blog. Here is how life has been since Ryker was born. The morning of April 2nd I was having cramping. The Dr kept telling us that if I was having any contractions to come in and they wouldn't send me home. The problem was that I didn't know what the contractions would feel like. So Rustin told me that if I was hurting at all to wake him up and we'd go in. So I waited about an hour and the cramping wasn't stopping so I woke up Rustin. We waited about another 20 min and called the hospital, they told us to come in and be checked. We got to the hospital at about 5:30 and got checked, I was a 4 and almost all the way thinned. They Kept Us! Woo Hoo! So at 7:30 they started the pitocin. I got the epidural at about 8:00. The Dr came in a little bit later and broke my water and then we just hung out. I wasn't in any pain, the worse it got was a little cramping. The nurse told me to push my pain button because to make sure the epidural was working since I could lift my legs off the bed and I wasn't very numb. I pushed it alot and started slurring my words Rustin said. Ha ha I was getting pretty tired and loopy. I hit a 10 around 11:30 but there was an anterior lip they said on my cervix that needed to go away before I could start to push. It took about an hour and a half for that to go away. The Dr was in doing a C-Section so we rested and desended while we waited for him. Then it was time to push, I was sleeping through all the resting and desending and had to stop pushing the button so I would have the energy to push. We pushed with the nurse for about 7 contractions. Then the Dr came in put on him whole armor. Boots to his knees, the gown, gloves, hat, face mask that covered his eyes. He was fully covered for this event. We pushed once and he told me to stop because the baby was ready to come and the nurses to clean him up weren't in the room yet. They came in and I pushed about 2 more times and he was out. All white and screaming! The doctor had blood all over him and it went as high as his goggles covering his eyes, he must have known this can get messy:) 2:14 pm 8lbs 7oz 20 1/2 inches. The Dr then stitched me up, he said I tore about 2-3 inches and was way swollen. So since then we have been loving every minute of being parents. From being pee'd on, to staying up at night trying to breast feed, to the 24/7 observation while under the bili lights. He had jaundice and had to be under the bili lights Sunday and Monday after we got home, that was no fun and all the visitors couldn't hold him:( He is doing great and growing good and were getting better at breast feeding, that is that hardest part of this whole thing I think. We got pictures on Saturday so we can do birth announcments. And yesterday his cousin Cohen was born, Jared and Ashley's baby. Rustin had an alumni tournamanent at Northridge all last week and they won it. And Rustin is going to be in Bear Lake this weekend for a party for his friend Jordan that is getting married in about a week. This is the second time since we've been married that he has been gone so good thing Ryker is here to keep me company. Life is great and school gets over this week. Rustin has 5 finals he has to take this week:( Then we have the summer to play and work on the house.


Unknown said...

I absolutely love your pictures! He is really the cutest sweetest thing ever! I totally love him to death. So fun to hold and cuddle. He's darling. You're the best mom, so cute. And it's fun watching Rustin with Ryker. He's an awesome dad! I want a copy of that picture from yesterday with the whole family. I love you. Kiss my cute nephew for me!

Rich'n'Rach said...

It looks like you guys are having so much fun with that little stud of yours! I'm not gonna lie, though, all that talk of tearing and stitches doesn't make me want babies any sooner hahaha I love ya, girl!

The Parks' said...

Ahhh so sweet. Ryker is a cutie!!

Michelle said...

What a handsome little guy!! It was so good seeing you at church on Sunday even though I didn't even get to visit with you. At least I got to see little Ryker in person from a distance. I've sooo been wanting to come visit you but there has been lots of sickness going around in our house. We're finally all better though so I'd love to come visit sometime! I agree that nursing is the hardest part. It takes time, but it does get better :). I'm glad your delivery went well. I can't believe you delivered an 8 and a half pound baby. I hope you're feeling good and recovering well. You and Rustin will be such cute parents. I love the pictures, they are wayyy cute! :)

Sale and Jaimee said...

He is soooo beautiful! He and Halia weighed just about the same! Halia was 8.10 and 20 1/2in also! I love the pics!

Amy said...

Cute, cute pictures! I love the one with his finger up his nose! I am glad things are going well and you are adjusting to being a mom!

Cole & Jess said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! He is so stinkin cute. My favorite is the one with his finger in his nose:) So funny!

McFamily said...

Hey Ashley, it's Jen McGary (Detamore) found your blog through somebodys. . . anyway congrats on Ryker he's adorable! They grow up so fast so love every minute, even the hard ones (PS just an FYI we are private so if you would like to visit our blog send me and email at

Danielle and Ryan said...

Ash he is Beautiful! I wanted to come up and see you but by the time I was back at work you were home. COngrats Girl!

Kellie Henry said...

Okay so it is good to know that Kaymbree's new little boyfriend is such a hunk! Ryker is the cutest thing and Dan and I can't get enough of him! We need to hangout with our little babies, you know since they are going to get married someday! LOL. I love all your pictures you got! What an adorable little family you have!